Open Source SEO Software

There are a number of good reasons to use open source software in your personal and professional life, but what about SEO software? Open source software is typically free, safer and more reliable than closed source programs, and more flexible and capable to boot. SEO is one area where people ..Continue Reading

Cognitive SEO – Brining Your Link Management To The Next Level

When it comes to link management….every SEO is going nuts. Some want to manage every single link and automatically fire emails as soon as their spider doesn’t find the link anymore, the other SEO has his own Excel file …and the next SEO just builds more links and doesn’t care ..Continue Reading

Cognitive SEO – Exclusive Screenshots

Still in beta, but already made quite some noise in the industry: . We’ve been trying to get our hands at a demo account, but everything is still in stealth mode. However, we managed to get some exclusive screenshots:                       ..Continue Reading

Serpfox Review

Serpfox is designed to be a simple SEO ranking tool that lets you track your rankings in both Google and Bing. Serpfox provides tracking over as many domains and keywords as you would like, with a varied monthly pricing structure designed to accommodate different levels of tracking data. Serpfox updates ..Continue Reading

SEscout Rank Tracker Demo

We’ve jut posted a SEscout review here, but forgot to include the SEscout Rank tracker demo. Check it out in order to get a better picture about the tool:  

SEscout review

SEscout is a website rank searching tool that allows you to post your website and keyword, and it will track how well your website and how well the keyword is doing in the search engines. However, with a minimum price of about $15 a month (unless you are using the ..Continue Reading

Searchmetrics Essentials Review

The speed at which search is changing either exhilarates online marketers or makes them run for the hills. Those of us crazy enough to stick around need fast tools with the right data and lots of it. Searchmetrics Essentials is a new database product line from Searchmetrics, a global search ..Continue Reading

Internet marketing tools

Making a living in today’s business is a tough challenge, with competing businesses all around. Thus, having the right tools for marketing is crucial if one is to succeed. And fortunately, there are a number of these things out there. It is just a matter of knowing what they are, ..Continue Reading

Link Research Tools – Hot or not?

Which ones of my backlinks boost me the most? Where does my competition get their ranking from? Why do they rank for my target keywords and why don’t I? What type of backlinks should I focus on? These are just a few questions every SEO has to deal with in ..Continue Reading

SeoProfiler Review

Overview SEO Profiler Two of the principle keys in driving traffic to a web page as well as increasing its ranking in major search engines are keywords and backlinks. Without a healthy share and effective use of both of these components, many sites simply languish in cyber space, attracting no ..Continue Reading